Blood and Urine testing
We are equipped with a blood testing machine in house. This allows us to run immediate tests including pre anaesthetic blood screening, complete serology and blood cell counts.
Our inhouse microscope allows us to look at urine, blood, skin scrapings and cellular material. From this we can diagnose or send the sample to the laboratory for further tests.
We have a strong relationship with 2 external labs – Gribbles Veterinary and IDEXX laboratories. Having a choice means we can utilise the best plan when considering such factors as time constraints, costs or the input of specialist expertise from pathologists, microbiologists or other diagnostic disciplines, including the less main stream disciplines of genetic testing.
X rays and Ultrasound
Our clinic is equipped with digital radiographic equipment that allows us to perform a number of plain and contrast studies of soft tissue, bones and dental radiographs.
We have access to specialist evaluations of any x-ray images and can organise this when we feel it is in our patients best interest.
We have an inhouse Ultrasound machine (a Mindray). This allows us to provide you with ultrasonic studies. We can also do pregnancy scans and Echocardiograms.
For further diagnosis we are able to arrange veterinary specialist referral on either an inpatient or an outpatient basis.
Fixed Endoscopy
We have an rigid endoscope which allows us to look down an animals throat and up their nose. We can now perform complex surgeries such as soft palate resections.
Our in house microscope is put to good use for looking at things from faecal samples to skin scrapings.
Biopsy techniques
Techniques for the collection of biopsies are used in the diagnosis of various disease and cancerous conditions
ECG & Echocardiogram
Available for the investigation and monitoring of heart conditions
Doppler Blood Pressure
Used for the investigation of high blood pressure and for anaesthetic monitoring